Specialist Software (eg DIS)

Specialist Software

Aerobel produces customised turnkey Visual Systems at an affordable price. These are based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware & open format commercial software tools in order to provide Customers with the following benefits:

The company has developed application-specific software and a such that systems are:

The benefits of Aerobel's Visual Systems are:

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Customised Visual Systems

Customised Visual Systems

Aerobel has produced specialised software that provides additional functionality to the COTS software tools. This software includes:

The benefits include:

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Aerobel has produced several realtime visuals tools that provide additional functionality to the COTS software tools. These realtime visuals tools include:

The benefits include:

Press here and complete the form for the specification, literature & price.

Aerobel's Services
Realtime Visual Tools

Realtime Visual Tools

© Aerobel Defence Technology 2000