Aerobel provides both PC-based desktop & high end SGI-based After-Action Review (AAR) systems.
These AAR systems provide:
- simultaneous DIS data logging/replay facilities with connectivity to the Simulator LAN
- stealth viewing facilities (eg attachment to entities in realtime)
- 1- to 3- visual channels for the out-the-window/sensor views
- a 20/30Hz visual frame rate at resolutions up to 1280x1024 with highly detailed geospecific terrain databases & high fidelity entities
- a separate display with easy-to-use exercise selection menus & on-screen VCR- like replay controls
- time of day, sun angle & met visibility set as in the exercise
- MMI controls (eg space mouse or joystick & throttles).
Aerobels products are based on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware & software tools together with customised software to provide Customers with the following benefits:
- reduced initial procurement cost & whole-life cost
- maximum flexibility (eg changes to the GUI)
- protected software investment through the use of open format software
- significant growth potential (eg to handle a greatly increased number of entities).
Aerobel's AAR systems incorporate key features such as:
- DIS-compliance
- the visual display is uncoupled from the DIS logger. Therefore, the frame rate of the visual display is unaffected by the activities within the logger and the traffic on the DIS network. Similarly, the data being recorded in the DIS logger is protected from loss due to overloads in the visual display
- anti-aliased, fully-phototextured out-the-window views at high frame rates
- detailed entities with smooth level of detail switching
- use of optimised database features & line-of-sight culling for maximum realtime performance
- wind-induced effects (eg dust clouds & smoke plumes)
- battle-induced effects (eg launch signatures & munitions effects)
- range-switchable military symbology overlaid on entities.
Aerobel also provides:
- stereo audio (optional)
- database converters (eg to import proprietary data formats into the COTS 3D modelling tools) for the generation/modification of geospecific databases
- database optimisation & modelling services
- desktop Mission Review systems
- desktop Reconfigurable Crewstations.
Press here and complete the form for the specification, literature & price.
© Aerobel Defence Technology 2000